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Test Automation

Initiate or restart test automation with our assistance, leveraging low/no-cost open-source tools. Our approach ensures focused and beneficial automation, maximizing your investment

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Protect resources, improve accuracy and find defects quicker with test automation

We can help you to take control of the execution of repetitive tests and save time and money, improve accuracy, and find defects quicker by implementing best practice test automation. It is a service that transforms your processes for continuous delivery and testing.


When should you automate?

You should consider automating your IT testing when tests:

Require consistently repeatable processes

Have to be accelerated

Require consistently repeatable processes
Need to apply the same steps to numerous data combinations

Have to introduce data driven testing

Need to apply the same steps to numerous data combinations
Verify on diverse software platforms like browsers or various hardware configurations

Needs to be multi-browser

Verify on diverse software platforms like browsers or various hardware configurations
Execution requires a substantial amount of time

Need to save costs

Execution requires a substantial amount of time
Mandate analysis of extensive data outputs and demand a high level of precision

Must increase precision

Mandate analysis of extensive data outputs and demand a high level of precision


We have more than 15 Years of Experience


Fortunate to have a fully certified team

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Discover the unparalleled expertise of NetOps Ninjas on every field as we redefine excellence in IT and digital services. With a commitment to innovation and precision, our team stands out, ensuring your journey with us is nothing short of exceptional. Elevate your digital experience with NetOps Ninjas, where technology meets mastery

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NetOps Ninjas, Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom

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Netops Ninjas Limited. Netops Ninjas is a company registered in England and Wales. Company Number: 14280399. Registered Office: NetOps Ninjas, Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom. VAT Number:GB433852981